Subject Verb Agreement Mcq for Class 10

Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammatical concept that every student must learn. As a class 10 student, you might have come across multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on the subject-verb agreement that can be tricky to solve. In this article, we will discuss the basics of subject-verb agreement and how to approach MCQs related to it.

Subject-verb agreement refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. The subject and verb must agree in terms of number, i.e., singular or plural. For example, in the sentence “She runs a mile every day,” the subject “she” is singular, and the verb “runs” is also singular. On the other hand, in “They run a mile every day,” the subject “they” is plural, and the verb “run” is also plural.

Now, let`s discuss some common types of MCQs related to subject-verb agreement that you might encounter in class 10:

1. Identify the correct form of the verb:

In this type of MCQ, you will be given a sentence with a blank space that requires a verb. You will have to choose the correct form of the verb from the given options. For example,

The group of students _____ (is/are) planning to visit the museum.

In this example, you need to choose the correct verb form to agree with the subject “group of students.” The correct answer is “is” since “group” is a collective noun that takes a singular verb.

2. Identify the correct subject-verb agreement:

In this type of MCQ, you will be given a sentence with a verb, and you will have to identify the correct subject-verb agreement from the options provided. For example,

Neither the teacher nor the students _____ (has/have) finished their project.

In this example, you need to identify the correct subject-verb agreement that agrees with “teacher” and “students.” Since “teacher” is singular, the correct answer is “has.”

3. Identify the correct sentence with subject-verb agreement:

In this type of MCQ, you will be given multiple sentences, and you will have to identify the one with the correct subject-verb agreement. For example,

a. The book on the shelf is mine.

b. The books on the shelf are mines.

In this example, you need to identify the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement. The correct answer is “a” since “book” is singular, and the verb “is” agrees in number with the subject.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial concept in English grammar. To solve MCQs related to it, you need to understand the rules of subject-verb agreement and carefully read the given sentence to identify the subject and the verb`s number. With practice and attention to detail, you can ace the subject-verb agreement MCQs in your class 10 examinations.

AUTHOR: Tricor Senedi
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